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Thank you for clicking on the Sponsorship link. We appreciate you considering a sponsorship. 


While managing a rescue not only requires the physical work of maintaining their enclosures and giving them daily TLC, it also requires annual check ups, medical care if/when one of them get sick, their daily meals, enrichment toys, treats, materials for enclosures, and more. It costs approximately $3000/month to run our rescue with our current troop. That number grows for every rescue we take in.


To continue our mission, we have set up packages for those who would like to assist in maintaining our troop and giving them a happy and healthy life.


We appreciate any/every amount graciously donated. This would be impossible without your help!


We thank you from the bottom of our hearts,


Wildlife Wonderland Family



Sponsor a Meal for One $2 (one time donation)

  • This will go towards feeding one exotic (of your choice) for one day




Sponsor a Meal for the Troop $55 (one time donation)

  • This is go toward feeding the whole troop for one day




Bronze Package $10/month

  • Thank you certificate




Silver Package $25/month

  • Thank​ you certificate

  • Information on sponsee

  • Monthly video of your sponsee



Gold Package $50/month

  • Thank​ you certificate

  • Information on sponsee

  • Monthly video of your sponsee

  • Monthly Social Media shout out

  • 10% off our Shop Exotic merchandise (After 4 months sponsorship)



Platinum Package $100/month

  • Thank​ you certificate

  • Information on sponsee

  • Monthly video of your sponsee

  • Bi-weekly Social Media shout out

  • 15% off our Shop Exotic merchandise (After 3 months sponsorship)



Platinum+ Package $150/month

  • Thank​ you certificate

  • Information on sponsee

  • Monthly video of your sponsee

  • Bi-weekly Social Media shout out

  • 15% off our Shop Exotic merchandise (After 3 months sponsorship)

  • Wildlife Wonderland Shirt



Ultimate Exotic Package $200/month

  • Thank​ you certificate

  • Information on Sponsee

  • Monthly video of your Sponsee

  • Bi-weekly Social Media shout out

  • 15% off our Shop Exotic merchandise (After 3 months sponsorship)

  • Wildlife Wonderland Shirt

  • Live Tour (if local) or Live Video Chat with Sponsee (Annually, after 3 months sponsorship) 

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